Triton Occultation of UCAC4 410-143659 on 2017 October 5

Longitude: 000° 19′ 57” West; Latitude: 50° 53′ 16” North; Altitude: 20m (WGS-84)

Celestron C11 f/10 focal length:2800mm diameter: 280mm
SBIG STF-8300M binned 2 x 2, subframe 1429 x 655 (binned) pixels
Filter: Luminance (Astronomik)

Integration time: 2 secs
Dead time: approx. 2 secs for download & file save

Bias & dark-frame subtraction, no flat-field applied
Photometry measurements using ‘Multi-Image Photometry’ tool
Radii chosen to minimise contamination from Neptune

Ingress ½ light estimated at 23:47:17 ±4 seconds
Egress ½ light estimated at 23:49:41 ±4 seconds

The published paper analysing the results published in Astronomy & Astrophysics can be found here: Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton’s atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations